20 Vesey Street
New York Evening Post
(NYLPC Landmark and National Register)
Status: Inspected but not affected.*
The New York Evening Post is a 13-story limestone faced building designed by Robert D.Kohn between 1906 and 1907. The Post building is an example of Vienna Secession, a 20th century European artistic refrom movement. Another interesting aspect of the New York Evening Post Building is Gutzon Borglum, who sculpted Mount Rushmore, helped create the sturctures in the picture on the left.
The New York Evening Post building was intended to house New York Evening offices and printing facilities.
Source: Guide to New York City Landmarks2nd ed.
Management Online Locator System - Transportation and Public
*Status of this building was obtained by matching Building Structural Status map and Transportation and Public Access map from OEM. Status may not be accurate, if you know the status of this building, please e-mail webmaster@preserve.org and let us know.