Status: Damaged but stable repairs/Cleaning required*
American Stock exchange
building is located only a few 100 feet away from the World Trade Center yet it
was able to continue trading only a few days after the September 11 attack. The
building itself was officially reopened on October 1, 2001.
The American Stock Exchange (AMEX) can trace its origins back to the late 1700's, when New York merchants began trading securities out-of-doors in lower Manhattan. These out-of-doors brokers, who became known as 'curbstone brokers' or 'curbstoners', were the predecessors of the brokers and specialists of the current AMEX.
In 1921 the curbstone brokers moved indoors to the present site of the AMEX, which was known as the New York Curb Market. In 1929 the Exchange changed its name to the New York Curb Exchange, and in 1953 changed it again to the American Stock Exchange
Source: crbinfo
Management Online Locator System - Transportation and Public
*Status of this building was obtained by matching Building Structural Status map and Transportation and Public Access map from OEM. Status may not be accurate, if you know the status of this building, please e-mail and let us know.