The Brinckerhoff Cemetery in Fresh M eadows, Queens, is a 1740s family cemetery in desperate need of restoration, preservation, and protection. Owned by a family whose name doesn't even come close to "Brinckerhoff," the problem has escalated to a court case, resulting in three plaintiffs presenting a suit to get back the cemetery to its rightful descendants. The plaintiffs are Queens Historical Society, the Fresh Meadows Homeowners Civic Association, and Brinckerhoff descendants.
We need to raise $100.000 to get the cemetery into the hands of people who care, and who want to give back to it the dignity and heritage that it has not had fordecades.
Who can say "no" to a cemetery?
Obviously, foundations and philanthropic organizations have the "deep pockets" that are crucially needed now, but smaller donations easily grow into bigger ones if they pour in.
If you've read this far, you are interested, and for that we sincerely
thank you. If your interest stretches from reading to writing, please help us
in this worthy cause and send a donation made out to Queens Historical Society
and sent to
Queens Historical Society
143-35 37th Avenue
NY 11354
with the memo to "Brinckerhoff Cemetery."
If by any chance we don't make it (we will know by the end of July), your check will be returned.
(718) 224-9592